Article Highlight
Creating Components
Custom Title
View All Articles
Accessibility Emails
This article outlines important updates regarding accessibility emails and the steps site owners need to take to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

New Framework for Components
Discover the latest content editing updates, with better component organization and enhanced display rules for a seamless experience on all devices.

Documents No Longer Supported as Part of Events
Starting March 28th, users won’t be able to add documents to events to ensure compliance with UCLA’s accessibility standards and federal law.

Improving Website Health in 2025
In 2025, we’re elevating our digital presence by introducing streamlined monthly website health reports.
What's an article highlight?
The Article Highlight component is a visually appealing news view that allows you to add articles to any page.
Adding an article highlight
Click the edit link at the top of the page
- Move your cursor where you want to place the component. (Add a section if needed).
Click the plus icon.
Select Article Highlight from the menu.
Add a custom Title for your Article Highlight.
Note: Title field text is limited to 70 characters.Optional: Feature an article at the top of the list. In the Featured article field, start typing the title. Select the title you want to feature.
Optional: Filter the articles displayed in the view. In the Filter articles by field, start by typing an article type, category, topic, or tag. Select the term.
- Optional: Add a link to all articles. To find a list of all the articles, enter your website and add /articles/search at the end of the path (e.g.
Filter the articles by categories and/ or topics.
- Copy and paste the filtered search URL into the URL field.
Add Link Text for the URL.
Note: Link text is limited to 45 characters.
- Toggle to the Styles tab.
- Select the amount of additional space you would like above the component.
Select the amount of additional space you would like below the component.
Note: By default, there is no space below a component.
- Click Save.
Scroll to the top of the page and click Save.
Click the Done button beside the save button.
Note: This will display the page in the closest representation of how site visitors will view it. All links and actions that are disabled in editing mode will be functional now
One-Column Article Example
View All ArticlesViews for Articles and Events
Users now have more visually appealing options than were previously available.

Accessibility Emails
This article outlines important updates regarding accessibility emails and the steps site owners need to take to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

New Framework for Components
Discover the latest content editing updates, with better component organization and enhanced display rules for a seamless experience on all devices.

Documents No Longer Supported as Part of Events
Starting March 28th, users won’t be able to add documents to events to ensure compliance with UCLA’s accessibility standards and federal law.

Improving Website Health in 2025
In 2025, we’re elevating our digital presence by introducing streamlined monthly website health reports.