Adding an Event
Showcase your upcoming events
The Events Hub
All Web Platform events are housed in a central repository called "The Events Hub" and then are syndicated across the appropriate sites. This means that users can see all the events that relate to them. All Mednet users have the ability to submit an event regardless of whether or not they have the ability to edit content on the Web Platform.
Key features of the Events Platform
- Events Calendar View
- Highlights events across the DGSOM site
- Supports recurring events
- Uses the highlight component to filter events
- No additional training is required
- Appropriate for both internal or external events
Creating Events using the Web Platform
Authorized Web Platform editors and Med Net users alike can create events. To start, please navigate to the Events Hub page and log into the page using the "Login" option in the page footer. Once you are logged in, follow the instructions below to create an event.
- Click Content (Page Icon) on the left side menu panel.
- Click Add content button.
- Select Event from the list of content types.
- Fill out the event form:
- Title - [required] The text entered in the title field will be included in the "breadcrumbs" and will become the page's URL unless otherwise configured. Best practice will be to keep this concise and to the 80 character limit.
- Subtitle -Add a subtitle.
- Event Host - Event host listing the group or department(s) hosting the event.
- Featured Media - [required] Events require featured media in order to display thumbnails when they are displayed as lists. You can choose from existing photos on your site or upload one from the files on your computer. Once it's uploaded, the image will display below the page title and as a thumbnail in event views. Avoid using media with graphs or text as these images are not accessible.
- Event Date - [required] Select the date and time of your event.
- If your date is recurring, select the "Repeats" from the drop-down menu to configure the occurrence. (This example shows an event that occurs every two weeks on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:00- 9:00 AM starting 12/4 and ends on 2/7.)
- Address - [required if your event in is person] Selecting the country from the drop down will open the form for you to input the address for your event.
- For the organization field please add a specific event space, i.e.: building and room number.
- Link to Event - For registering for the event/ virtual meeting link. URL is for your registration link, (Zoom) and the "Link Text" field will be what the button says for the link. Remember to accessibly best practices and avoid using link text in ways that say "Click Here."
- Body - Enter a summary of the event.
- Documents - Upload event related files from your existing library or from your computer. Only PDF is supported.
- Who will review this event submission? - [required] Select the department(s) that can have access to editing your event.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Target Keyword – The search term or phrase people will Google to find this web page.
- Meta Description – [required] The short summary displayed underneath the URL in Google’s search results as well as the Web Platform search page.
- Social Media Image – Adding a “social media image” will ensure the page is properly optimized for sharing across social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. If left blank the "Featured Media" photo will automatically be used.
- Original Source URL – If you want to repost an event published elsewhere, the Original Source URL ("canonical tag") will tell the search engines that this page is just a copy and the spiders should index and feature the original source in their results.
- Hide from Search Engine - Select this option to prevent search engine spiders, like Google, from crawling this page and adding it to their search results. (This should never be toggled unless instructed by your Site Administrator.
- Distribution - These selections will impact where the events will be syndicated.
- Distribution [required]
- Feeds
- Search Listing Options - These selections will impact where the events will be syndicated.
- Event Category
- Event Type - [required]
- Deadlines
- Target Audience
- Event Topic
- Affiliated Department(s) - These selections will impact where the events will be syndicated.
- Affiliated Student Organization(s) - These selections will impact where the events will be syndicated.
- Affiliated Labs(s) - These selections will impact where the events will be syndicated.
- Other Affiliated Student Group(s) - These selections will impact where the events will be syndicated.
For questions on how to best syndicate your events, please see the "How to make your events appear in the right place" section of this article. If you have further questions, please reach out to your site administrator.
- Scheduling Options (Leave the date blank for no scheduled publishing.)
- To publish an event on a specific date:
- In the Publish On section, enter the date and time when you want to publish your page.
- From the dropdown menu in the Publish State, change to Published.
- To unpublish an event on a specific date:
- In the Unpublish On section, enter the date and time when you want to unpublish your page.
- From the dropdown menu in the Unpublish State, change to Unpublished.
- To publish an event on a specific date:
- Click Save to save the event. (Blue Button at the top of the page)
- To save the event as a draft select "Draft" in the "Save as" drop down Menu in the "Additional Options" pane on right side, prior to saving your content.
- When you are ready to publish your event, select "Publish" in the drop-down Menu in the "Additional Options" pane on left side, prior to saving your content.
- Event Moderation Options (published content only)
- Content moderation on our events hub operates differently than for other content types. Before an event is published, it follows the standard content moderation process. After publication, it's crucial that all sites reflect the updated moderation status and this is why the usual moderation dropdown is not available. Instead, after the event is published, the standard moderation dropdown is replaced with toggles that allow you to manage the event.
- Deletion: Selecting this option will unpublish your event. The event will be deleted from all sites and the hub within 48 hours. Please note that it may take up to 6 hours for sites to unpublish your event.
- Unpublish: This option will unpublish your event. Please be aware that it may take up to 6 hours for the event to be unpublished on all sites.
- Automated Event Deletion: Events that are more than 6 months past the date will be automatically deleted by the site.
Content moderation on our events hub operates differently than for other content types. Before an event is published, it follows the standard content moderation process. After publication, it's crucial that all sites reflect the updated moderation status and this is why the usual moderation dropdown is not available. Instead, after the event is published, the standard moderation dropdown is replaced with toggles that allow you to manage the event.
- Selecting this option will unpublish your event. The event will be deleted from all sites and the hub within 48 hours. Please note that it may take up to 6 hours for sites to unpublish your event.
- This option will unpublish your event. Please be aware that it may take up to 6 hours for the event to be unpublished on all sites.
Automated Event Deletion
- Events that are more than 6 months past the date will be automatically deleted by the site.
How to make sure your events appear in the right place
To ensure that your events appear in relevant search listings and specific webpages, select the right search listing options and affiliated groups for your event. See below for specific instructions for select groups.
Select these terms for events to show up correctly in search listings and on the Academic Affairs pages on the site.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Academic Affairs
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
- Target Audience: Faculty & Staff (if applicable)
- Event Topic: Education & Career Development (if applicable)
Other Affiliated Group(s)
- Group: Academic Affairs
Select these terms for events to show up correctly in search listings and on the Admissions, Pre-Health, and Financial Aid and Scholarship pages on the site.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Admissions
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Target Audience:
- Prospective Students
- MD Students (for Financial Aid and Scholarship event)
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Select Office of Admissions for the event to show up on the Admissions page
Select Office of Outreach and Pathway Programs for the event to show up on the Pre-Health Connect with Us page
Select Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for the event to show up on the Financial Aid and Scholarships page
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search listings, on the CTSI website, Research webpages, and the DGSOM Weekly Digest.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Distribution: DGSOM
Feeds: Digest (for research seminars)
Search Listing Options
Event Category: Choose the event category when applicable
- Classes and Workshops
- Lectures & Seminars
- Grand Rounds
- Meetings & Conferences
Event Type: Choose the event type when applicable
- Deadline
- Hybrid
- In-person
- Virtual
Deadlines: Choose the type of deadline when applicable
- Consultation Appointments
- Diversity Opportunities
- Funding Opportunities
- Opportunities from our Partners
- Training Grant Opportunities
Event Topic: Choose the event topic when applicable
Education & Career Development
Research & Technology
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Choose Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search listings, on the Center for Continuing Professional Development webpages, and the DGSOM Weekly Digest.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Center for Continuing Professional Development
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Event Category: Continuing Education
Event Topic: Choose the event topic when applicable
- Education and Career Development
- Research and Technology (for research seminars)
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Group: Center for Continuing Professional Development
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search results, on the Emergency Medicine website.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Emergency Medicine
- Distribution: DGSOM
Other Affiliated Department(s)
Group: Emergency Medicine
Select these terms to make sure events show up in relevant search listings, the OIE webpages, MD Student webpages, and Student Organizations website.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review:
- Inclusive Excellence
- Student Organizations (for OIE-affiliated MD communities)
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Event Topic:
- Education & Career Development (when applicable)
- Health & Wellness (when applicable)
Target Audience: MD Students
Affiliated Student Organization(s)
For events hosted OIE-affiliated MD Communities, select the student organization hosting the event
Other Affiliated Group(s)
For OIE Office hours and other OIE events, select Inclusive Excellence (OIE)
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search results, on the JCCC website, Research webpages, and the DGSOM Weekly Digest.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Event Topic: Choose the event topic when applicable
- Education & Career Development
- Research & Technology
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Group: Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Select these terms for events to show up correctly in search listings and on the Easton Center website.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer's Research and Care
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Target Audience: Community
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer's Research and Care
Select these terms to make sure events show up in relevant search listings, the MD Education webpages, and the Student Affairs Newsletter.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: MD Students
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Event Topic: Choose an event topic when applicable
- Education & Career Development (to be included in the Student Affairs Office Newsletter)
- Health & Wellness (to be included in the Student Affairs Office Newsletter)
Target Audience:
- MD Students
Other Affiliated Groups
Office of Career Development & Well-Being (if applicable)
Affiliated Student Organization(s)
Choose the affiliated student organization (if applicable)
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search listings, on the DGSOM Research webpages, and the DGSOM Weekly Digest.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Research
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Target Audience: Choose the target audiences when applicable
- Faculty & Staff
- PhD Students
- Postdoctoral Scholars
- Researchers
Event Topic: Choose the event topic when applicable
- Research & Technology
Affiliated Department(s)
Choose any affiliated Basic Science Departments, Clinical Departments
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Choose any affiliated Education and Research Centers, Research Institutes, or Themed Area
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search results on the School of Nursing website.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: School of Nursing
Distribution: Nursing
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Group: School of Nursing
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search results, on the Simulation Center website, Research webpages, and the DGSOM Weekly Digest.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Simulation Center
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Event Topic: Choose the event topic when applicable
- Education & Career Development
- Research & Technology
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Group: Simulation Center
Select these terms to make sure events show up in relevant search listings, the MD Student and Student Organizations websites, and the Student Affairs Newsletter.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: Student Organizations
Distribution: DGSOM
Search Listing Options
Event Topic: Choose an event topic when applicable
- Education & Career Development (to be in the Student Affairs Office Newsletter)
- Health & Wellness (to be in the Student Affairs Office Newsletter)
Target Audience: MD Students (for events open to all MD students)
Affiliated Student Organization(s)
Choose the affiliated student organization.
Select these terms for events to show up in relevant search results, on the UCLA Health IT (UHIT) website.
Who will review this event submission?
Content review: UCLA Health IT
Distribution: UHIT
Other Affiliated Group(s)
Group: DGIT information
Adding an Event Highlight
Learn how to add a Event Highlight to any page by reviewing this page.