Example of a small Qualtrics CTA Banner

This article covers the following topics:

Overview of the Changes

We have created a new component called the CTA Banner that is used to encourage web users to fill out a Qualtrics form or access a Matterport interactive map. The CTA Banner has a stylized and visually appealing graphic that represents Qualtrics or Matterport. The CTA Banner serves as a focal point to guide user interaction. The banner plays a crucial role in optimizing user engagement, helping to direct visitors towards desired outcomes on a website.

When the Changes Will Occur

These additional features are available now. 

New Features

Configuring the CTA Banner Component

  1. Click Edit content.
  2. Click the plus icon where you want to place the component.
  3. Select CTA Banner from the menu.
  4. Add your Title (Required).
  5. Add your Teaser text (Required).
  6. Add your external link (Required).
    Note: The URL must start with the following domains: https://my.matterport.com/ or https://uclahs.az1.qualtrics.com/
  7. Add the Button text (Required).
  8. Expand Layout Options (Optional).
    1. In the dropdown that asks "Are you adding the banner in a narrow column?" select Yes when you are placing the component in a 2 column or smaller section.
    2. In the Spacer section, select the amount of additional space you would like below the component. 
      Note: By default, there is no space below a component.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Examples of the CTA Banner

  • Example of a Qualtrics CTA Banner: 

    Screenshot of example of a Qualtrics CTA banner for the Web Platform
  • Example of a Matterport CTA Banner 

    Screenshot of example of a Matterport CTA banner for the Web Platform
  • Example of a Qualtrics CTA Banner in a narrow column: 

    Example of a small Qualtrics CTA Banner
  • Example of a Matterport CTA Banner in a narrow column:

    Example of a small Matterport CTA Banner

Additional Resources

Co-working Sessions 
Register for the next Co-working Session for answers to your questions about this update.

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