When managing a site, often it can be helpful to have a better understanding of what users can and cannot do when trying to understand if a user is encountering a permission issue or a bug in the site. Please use the tables below to help you identify the issue. 

If you would like to review the summary of the site access, please review the User Access Levels page.

Administrative Panel Functions.

Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
Access administration panel
Access toolbar
Access contextual links
Access in-place editing
Menu, view
Menu, edit
Menu, delete


Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
Content, View Published
Content, View Unpublished
Content, create
Content, edit own
Content, delete own
Content, edit any
Content, delete any
Publish content
Upload files
Create URL aliases
Revisions, view own
Revisions, revert own
Revisions, delete own
Revisions, view all
Revisions, revert all
Revisions, delete all
Blocks, create
Blocks, edit
Blocks, delete
Blocks, assign


Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
Taxonomy, create
Taxonomy, edit
Taxonomy, delete
Taxonomy, assign

Site Configuration

Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
Site configuration
Site reports
Google Analytics
Redirects, manage
CSS editor
Theme, view
Theme, edit
Switch shortcut sets
Display modes
Content types, create
Contact forms
Image styles, edit

User profiles and permissions

Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
User profiles, view
User profiles, create
User profiles, edit
User profiles, delete
Permissions panel

Multi-language Translations

Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
Administer translation settings
Administer languages
Translate interface text
Create translations
Delete translations
Edit translations
Translation any entity

Content Moderation

Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
Editorial workflow: Use archive transition
Editorial workflow: Use create new draft transition
Editorial workflow: Use publish transition
Editorial workflow: Use restore transition
Editorial workflow: Use restore to draft transition
View any unpublished content
View the latest version

Clone Entity

Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators 
Clone all contact form entities
Clone all block entities
Clone all custom block entities
Clone all content entities
Clone all vocabulary term entities
Clone all content type entities
Clone all custom block type entities
Clone all date format entities
Clone all field entities
Clone all image style entities
Clone all taxonomy vocabulary entities
Clone all text editor entities
Clone all text format entities


Function Content Approver Editor Site Manager Site Administrators
Audio: Create new media
Document: Create new media
Image: Create new media
SVG: Create new media
Video: Create new media
Audio: Delete any media
Document: Delete any media
Image: Delete any media
SVG: Delete any media
Video: Delete any media
Audio: Delete own media
Document: Delete own media
Image: Delete own media
SVG: Delete own media
Video: Delete own media
Audio: Edit any media
Document: Edit any media
Image: Edit any media
SVG: Edit any media
Video: Edit any media
Document: Edit own media
Image: Edit own media
SVG: Edit own media
Video: Edit own media
Access media overview
Create media
Delete any media
Delete own media
Update any media
Update own media
View all media revisions
View media
View own unpublished media